September 2012

Nadat de pilot een succes was in de heren-afdeling van Pollsmoor Prison, wordt er nu een Job Readiness Programma gegeven in de dames-gevangenis. Andre (Network) doet dit samen met Joybell (Hope Prison Ministry) en het is goed om van afstand te zien dat de samenwerking tussen beide organisaties begint te groeien. In de afgelopen maanden hebben we vanuit Nederland daar ons voor hard gemaakt.

Restorative Justice

Als onderdeel van het Restorative Justice programma worden mediations gehouden tussen de ex-offenders en hun familie. Jonathan Clayton reist hiervoor door de hele Western Cape om families bij elkaar te brengen en relaties te herstellen. Niet alleen een Jezus’ ding, maar een netwerk buiten de gevangenis is cruciaal om de kans op recidive te verkleinen na ontslag uit Pollsmoor.

Onderstaande mail kregen we:

Hi Ton and Katja.

Trust that doing well. Always thinking of you although we so busy.

Yesterday myself and Jenny did a Victim/Offender Mediation. Ten years ago a young girl (20 years old) came from Eastern Cape to kill her aunt in Khayalitha in revenge of her brother’s death. (She set her aunt alight).We had her entire family from Queens Town (12 Hours from Cape Town) in the mediation for 5 hours. Wow it was emotional and painful and sad regarding the evil of witchcraft.

After three hours the family were not happy with her answers to their confrontational questions. They asked her for the last time to tell them the truth. She then came out with the trust but the further pain was that she revealed that two other family members encourage her to take revenge. That was a further shock to the family. They were devastated and angry but the presence of God made a difference. Praise God.

We now need a follow up session with the two other family members. I will go and fetch the two other family member this morning and bring them to the second session.

The Victim/Offender Mediation was respected and handle in all dignity. This is a ministry and message of reconciliation. We are Christ Ambassadors. The family involved in witchcraft could experienced how God’s children can demonstrate the power of healing through Christ.

The family commend HPM for a session like this. They asked me to thank all people who support this ministry.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. We love and appreciate you.

The Clayton’s


Helaas moeten we vanwege de gezondheidsperikelen een bezoek aan Kaapstad weer uitstellen; zolang de medicatie noodzakelijk is raad de behandelaar een bezoek aan Zuid Afrika af. Concreet betekent dit dat we mikken op 2014……. Ondertussen blijven we vanuit Nederland betrokken.

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